
There are a lot of things hanging in balance at the moment. I have a studio review coming up (where I have to prove I have a strong enough practice to remain at Spike Island studios). I also have applied for a few opportunities which I am hoping to get. Arts council funding DYCP is open again at the end of the month, Im going to apply. If it works out how I hope, then I will have the finances to grow my sculptural work.
At the moment I am spending my own money on my practice, which has become a burden. I work as an art therapist which is lovely, so working is never a chore, but more studio time is required to keep creating work.
Within the next few years, I hope to make a shift towards making more art and working less hours as a therapist. I'd like to do talks and university visits, workshops. Lets see, the unknown of the future can bring twists we never expect. I can feel a big change coming this year. Whatever that might be.